Navigate to the location on your computer where you saved the file.Save the ZIP file to a location on your computer.When you are prompted to Open or Save the ZIP file, choose Save.Click on the appropriate ZIP file to download.Navigate to the Web page on the InterAction Support Site that contains the IMO update you want to distribute.You do not have to uninstall any existing versions of IMO. Therefore, it can be used as a new installation or on top of an existing 6.10 or 6.11 installation as a patch, or on top of 6.0 if you are doing a major version upgrade. This installation does not check for any previous installations of IMO. If the prerequisites are not already installed, this installation will install them. Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime (VSTO).This installation checks for the following prerequisite software on end user machines:
The ZIP file name is formatted with the release number and update number. To create a network installation for IMO, download the ZIP file provided with the update.